Something Tookish

Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Random thoughts.

I was surprised the dwarves had nothing to do with the actual demise of Samaug and it took relatively few pages as opposed to what happened after. But then, not much thought may go into the repercussions of reaching a goal, let alone with what to do after. How will we remove the treasure let alone, get it home?

Nothing unites enemies like a common enemy.

Peace has a cost.

I have little danger of catching "dragon-sickness." Not enough gold. Will concentrate on avoiding bird flu.

Who, or what is Gandalf. He seems to show up at the opportune moments, but is never really the one who saves the day. He seems to have knowledge of the future and lets it play out.

Still liking the language.

Totally enjoyed Bilbo coming home to see his belongings being auctioned off. Oh those Sackville-Bagginses. "The legal bother, indeed, lasted for years."


Blogger Degolar said...

Gandalf works, but he verges on being one of those annoying parent/teacher types who could solve everything easily but who does as little as possible in order to draw out his kids and guide their growth.

March 12, 2007 11:38 PM  

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